Tomas Dosoudil

An enthusiastic software engineer

Transfer Jekyll blog to Hugo

Published March 25, 2023

I have recently decided to change my blog from Jekyll to Hugo. Although I don’t have much content here I always like an idea of beying able to write a post.

This page is using Devise theme. All configuration went pretty smooth except one thing. All my posts were missing headers. After a couple of tries I found out that all posts needs to be in a folder called post in the content folder.

Images are supposed to be store in the static folder where is my home image as well static/me.jpg.

Here are couple of usefule links I used during configuration of Hugo.

Syntax highlights:

Snippets gallery:

Github workflow for publishing on GitHub Pages:

My config

This is how the current block is configured in config.toml

baseURL = ""
title = "Tomas Dosoudil"
languageCode = "en-us"
theme = "devise"
#relativeURLs = true
enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
copyright = "© Copyright 2023, Tomas Dosoudil"

    style = 'dracula'

# Main menu items
    identifier = "about"
    name = "About"
    title = "About"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = -90
    identifier = "posts"
    name = "Posts"
    title = "Posts"
    url = "/post/"
    weight = -100

# Configuration Features
  description = "Tomas Dosoudil's blog"
  header_title = "Tomas Dosoudil"
  header_subtitle = "A software engineer enthusiast"
  home_image = "me.jpg"
  recent_posts = 100  
  mainSections = ["post"]
    backgroundColor = "#f8f9fa"
    homeImageBorderColor = "#ffffff"
    fontFamilyBase = "Helvetica Neue"
    fontColor = "#212529"
    fa_icon = "fab fa-github fa-1x" 
    href = ""
    fa_icon = "fab fa-linkedin-in fa-1x"
    href = ""